Dauntless takes place in a fantasy setting, where a cataclysmic event has torn the world apart, releasing monster-like Behemoths that prey on the surviving humans. Players take on the role of Slayers to take down Behemoths, collecting loot that they used to craft and upgrade weapons and equipment as to take down larger and more powerful Behemoths.
Trailer on Youtube
Weblinks for this game
Homepage: https://playdauntless.com/Twitter: https://twitter.com/playdauntless
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dauntless_(video_game)
Preview Rating
The game has a high visibility in the media. Users frequently exchange information about the game. The estimated potential for this is solid.
The fresh4.me preview rating is 7 of 10 possible points.
Release Date
PC: 2019-May-21
Xbox One: 2019-May-21
PS4: 2019-May-21